Songut - Solar thermal systems


In Songut, our objective is to advance the use of solar energy in Spain. To achieve our goal, we offer the highest quality systems available in Europe at a reasonable price.

Our customers count on the fastest and most reliable delivery on the market while experiencing costumer service focused on each individual.

By employing these best business practices, we hope to make solar energy affordable to both our clients and the final customer.

• Free and unlimited energy
• Protect the environment
• Guaranteed return on investment during the systems’ life span
• Guaranteed savings from the products’ superior efficiency

Our goal is to make solar energy affordable, and our slogan is “La sombra no existe”. To translate our slogan into English without losing its central message, we can say that in Songut, we are “overcoming the shadows.”
A shadow is simply the absence of light. With our solar systems we want to bring light and its energy to all homes in Spain.

The development of solar energy systems is only the base of our service. We take pride in supporting installers, architects and professionals with a wide range of services so that each system is complete with the best installation possible.